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Pre-reg Shortcuts

Viviyana Matanda

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

With the registration exam looming I thought it would be a great opportunity to share with our provisionally registered and pre-registration members one resource I found practically useful when revising for my pre-registration exam. I reached out to UKBPA member and Pre-reg Shortcuts founder Marvin Munzu to give us a bit more information about his online revision platform.

Hi, Marvin! Thanks for taking to the time to speak with me. For those who don't know, What is Pre-reg Shortcuts?

Pre reg shortcuts is the leading online preregistration training company in the UK. Our innovative and robust training style is very popular among pre registration trainees.

We are proud of our record of achieving over 85% student pass rate consistently over the past 3 years.

It is our commitment to bringing about individual success in each student that drives us and propels our vision to help as many preregistration trainees succeed.

It was founded by myself and Umar Majid. We are both qualified pharmacists with a wealth of experience in training and supporting preregistration trainees pass the GPhC exam. We understand challenges trainees face and we adapt a flexible and tailored approach to help trainees succeed.

We’ve been delivering pre registration training for the past 3 years with over 200 trainees enrolled on our combo course each year .

Wow that's very impressive! What would you say are some of your biggest achievements from the past few years?

Over the past years, we have received invitations from various universities to speak and motivate pharmacy students. These include; university of Kingston, University of Cardiff, University of Leicester, University of Brighton, Kings college London, Sunderland university, Manchester university and international pharmacy schools in Tunisia.

I have also released a motivational book titled Success Secrets for Students, which shows pharmacy students strategies to succeed at university.

How can you help pre-registration pharmacist and pharmacy students?

We share the common goal of helping each student succeed. We improve student pass rates and confidence by working directly with them, identifying the key challenges and development areas for each trainee. We have designed and developed a robust pre registration training course using our past experience and knowledge on what trainees need to succeed. We work in collaboration with trainees, to facilitate the process, track performance, motivate the trainees and deliver a high quality programme. We are very passionate and committed and we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We have the capacity and technology to offer our services to a wide range of pre registration trainees.

What makes you different from other training programmes?

We are the leading online pre registration training company.

Our style of delivery, rapport with our trainees and expert knowledge on pharmaceutical calculations differentiates us.

We focus entirely on helping trainees succeed, we work in collaboration with our trainees, encouraging effective communication and designing programmes tailored to their needs. Our trainee success rate is consistently above the national average.

Can you describe the course content?

We invest in new content each year and digital learning tools to enhance the confidence in our trainees and to give them the best strategies and tools to pass their exam

We offer Calculations, Clinical and MEP courses

All our courses are delivered in line with the GPhc framework , up to date and evidence based.

Our calculations course is extremely popular among preregistration trainees because they cover over 100 up to date GPhc style questions. The course follows the GPhc framework and covers the different types of pharmaceutical calculations below. Our experienced calculation tutor (Umar Majid) tracks trainee performance and provides detailed step by step guidance and tips on how to solve each question. We also provide a full mock at the end of the course to evaluate each trainees knowledge and feedback on areas of improvement.

Doses and dose regimens

Dosage and unit conversions

Estimation of kidney function

Displacement volumes and values



Molecular weight

Using provided formulae

Infusion rates


Health economics

Quantities to supply

Our calculation our calculation course is a webinar based course. Where we cover all 12 topics on the GPhC framework over 5 weeks. We explore a number of questions per webinar. These questions are done under timed conditions to give the trainees a feel of three minutes per question from a very early stage.

There are a total of six webinars. The first five cover questions, discuss methods, how to avoid errors, becoming more confident at answering questions and using time wisely in the exam. Each session has an arithmetic quiz and a short tutorial. We also answer all questions any trainees have. The sixth webinar involves going over the 40 question mock paper which our trainees do at the end of the course.

This all sounds great! How can students and pre-reg pharmacists access your content?

We deliver pre registration webinars, Facebook and Youtube live training sessions which are very convenient for trainees. We facilitate the learning process and deliver our sessions in a very convenient and comfortable way for our trainees.

Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me Marvin! I'm sure this will be very useful to many of our readers!

For more information :

Facebook: @preregshortcuts

Youtube channel: preregshortcuts

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